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Muscle Biopsy

Please call Customer Service at Pathology Medical Services, P.C. at 402-465-1900 24-48 hours prior to notify the laboratory of the time and date of the procedure and to request a STAT courier. Please schedule muscle biopsy procedures Monday through Thursday only. If this is impossible please notify the customer service at least 48 hours in advance to make special arrangements.                                      

If muscle biopsy clamps are unavailable, utilize tongue blades to stabilize the biopsy.

Please see requisition form instructions for complete information.  Complete test requisition including last and first name of patient, patient’s date of birth and social security number, body site and source of specimen collected.  Label specimen container with patient’s first and last name, and body site/source.  Place container in a specimen bag with a biohazard label.  Place the requisition in the side pocket of the specimen bag.

Include patient’s history and physical, neurological reports, and results of any pertinent studies.

Specimen Requirements

  1. Submit three separate muscle segments.
  2. The biopsy site should be one that is clinically affected, but not severely atrophic or previously needled for electromyography. Avoid fascia and fat.
  3. Select muscle bundles approximately 3 cm long x 0.5 cm in diameter.
  4. Do not infiltrate muscle with local anesthetic. Avoid trauma or stretching during excision.
  5. Tie a suture around one end of the muscle bundles to be removed using a small round curved needle. Tie a second suture at the other end of a 3 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter bundle, cut across the bundle just beyond the suture.  Continue retracting, undercutting the strip of muscle.  Cut across the muscle attachment leaving both sutures attached to the specimen.
  6. Attach the muscle bundle to muscle biopsy clamps.
  7. Cover the biopsy with a saline moistened telfa. Do not immerse in saline solution.  Submit specimen on wet ice immediately.


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